Remember all those times when you were reading something or talking to someone making a complete fool of themselves? That recent instant, when you were in a heated conversation about something, and you thought of the perfect thing to say, but knew that you'd never talk to that person again if you said it? Or, maybe you were in the grocery store, and one isle over someone was just shrieking that Barack Obama was a muslim, born in Kenya, whilst thumping their bible and proclaiming the end of the world. All you could think was: "DAMN! If I could just punch that crazy asshole in the face and get away with it!" Well, you know what? I'm about to do it for you. Because if no one besides Jon Stewart will step up, lose their PC mindset, and give a counterpoint, I'm just gonna do it myself. But, in a totally unique and cool way. Love ya Jon, hit me up.
That's right folks, starting today, I'm going in a completely different direction. I'm ditching the medicine and picking up a laptop. But now its not going to be just facebook and pornography. This time, I'm doing God's work. Just because I can.
For the next month, every day, I am going to pick one or two stories on random news sites throughout this great nation. I'm going to read, digest, and dive directly into the maelstrom of the comments sections. "We will be cruel to the [commenters], and through our cruelty they will know who we are." (Inglourious Basterds. Yeah, I stole it. Sue me.) The reference to fighting Nazi's is somewhat appropriate, as you will soon see. So, it started out with this news story:
When I hit the comments section, I found this: you can find my replies to posters this time under "jkmedic18"
then came this
By this time, I was enjoying life...and a scotch. These people hate fascist, liberal, Nazi scum. They practically drove me to the bar and poured one in my mouth!
you get what I'm doing, America? Its not about Palin, or conservative, or liberal- as many on here surmised. Its about the people that follow these folks. The blindly allegiant sheeple of the great United States of America. The people who think you're anonymous when online. The people that think you can assume an identity and say whatever you want on the internet, from the privacy of your armchair, without any consequences. I'm sure my mother found that one ironic, if she read this. But, the point remains. From this day forward, I'm giving you two hours to completely dishearten me. While I sit back, and contemplate my move. See ya tomorrow, commentosphere.
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